Nicaraguan Sopprexcca Co-Op Coffee Coming Soon!
We are so excited to be getting some of this coffee! This coffee comes to us from the Jinotega region in North Nicaragua in the center of the Isabelia mountain range. This is where 65% of all the coffee from Nicaragua is grown.
We are getting our coffee from the Las Hermanas farm of Jiotega. This farm is owned by a woman and is family run. By purchasing their coffee we are helping to support women as farmers. Maria is able to achieve such quality of coffee and success through the support of the Soppexcca Union of farm Cooperatives where only women are allowed to participate. The Co-Op also offers support to the local community by offering programs in education, health and so much more.
We are expecting this coffee to arrive sometime in August! Can’t wait to taste it!!
For more on Maria’s story click here!